1 June - 14 June
Due to my asthma attacks, I was not able to do a lot these past two weeks. I mostly took it very slow and spent most of my time inside. However, the boy's science experiements haven't ceased. These few weeks are all about plants and their growth. Marlin, Tigran and I planted some sunflower seeds in 8 different containers, each with different fuels. Some get light, some get water, some get soil, some get a combination of the three and some don't get any. Of course, we had to predict what we thought would happen to the seeds. Hopefully, our predictions are correct when we check the seeds in a fortnight or so.
For Tigran's scouts assignment, he was challenged to have a pea travel as far as possible without touching it. We decided to put the pea in a letter to his grandparents and have them send it back to us. The pea hasn't returned yet, but I believe it is having a nice trip accross England.
For the past few weeks, there have been a lot of Black Lives Matter protests, not only in the English speaking world, but everywhere. Being in a country with such a diverse population, I think it's beautiful to see that so many of them come together to speak out in favour of Black Lives everywhere. The fact that this is still needed in these modern times is absolutely mad. In my opinion, no human should treat others any less for the colour of their skin, sexual or gender orientation, religious beliefs or any kind of difference. It makes me mad that this is still happening all over the globe and I truely wish we could change it and get the message accross to the opressors.
Having said that, I do hope everyone protesting is staying safe and healthy!